Plodding Along
I started to keep a calendar with all my foods listed. The purpose is two-fold. One, I keep track to make sure I do not eat the same foods for days in a row. Two, I began noting my good and bad days. Thankfully, the good days are out numbering the not-so-good ones. I rate them on a three tiered scale: good, medium and bad. Original, no? Let me say upfront that I feel a bit guilty rating my days. "Good" is all in perspective, isn't it?
Today I read a blog (Long Miles Coffee Project) about a family who moved to Africa in order to help the locals sell their coffee more efficiently. They moved thousands of miles away from friends and family to aid a community of folks in Burundi, who they don't really know.The language of their story is poignant and brilliant. I want eyes to see the world like they see it. I want to write the way they share their story. Baring my soul to draw in others yet preserving some of myself so that I don't disappear among the words.
Maybe I am talking about a search for significance? Or is it more about contribution? I am not asking for Steve Jobs importance, may he rest in peace. Or to move continents to aid others. Entirely different offerings to the "big picture", yet both impacting the world we live in.
This eating/health journey of mine is miles from extraordinary but it is important to me. Therein lies a balance question; how do I live life paying attention to self-worth, using my gifts and talents, and the proper focus on a healthy me, YET keep a reasonable perspective of where I fall in the bigger picture? I know people whose scope is so small they don't even know people grow coffee in Africa.
I want bigger eyes to see life. A larger heart would be nice too. Oh, and since I am asking, a healthier colon would be lovely!
Wondering at the world,
Labels: eyes, health, Long Miles Coffee Project, Steve Jobs
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