The Truth Box: My People

My People

Wednesday night rides are rocking my world. I am just starting this venture but when I ride out, I am not disappointed. This past Wednesday, the ride coincided with a visit to the QSL Bike night Harley give-away. A bit intimidating, but what the heck.

The majority of the scooter riders live 30 miles from me so often, small groups of us will meet in familiar locations, ride to join other small groups until we are all together in one big pack. Such was the case this week. I met my friend at CP and she led us on a 40- minute ride clear across town to meet the larger group. I rode past landmarks I had only heard about my last 18 years living in this city. It was beautiful. This glorious ride covered the full economic spectrum of neighborhoods.

After joining the larger group, we headed back toward my side of town. The ultimate destination point was less than 15 minutes from my house but going directly there defeats the purpose of the RIDE. Besides, I was not too excited about riding in, alone on my scooter under the wary stares of the Harley riders.

So the big biker people were nice for the most part. But there is a tendency for some snobbery when it comes to engine size. I suppose it is a microcosm of the world today. For most people, bigger is better. We are not the best at embracing those even slightly different than ourselves. I am as guilty as the next but aware of the problem and trying to do something about this shortcoming. (The message of my favorite book, Blue Like Jazz)

As we left the parking lot, some drunken biker yelled a very crude comment to my riding partner. It was a shame to end the night that way. I think it will be a while before I refer to all bikers as "My People" again. See … I am talking out of both sides of my mouth and showing snobbery in reverse. I want to love and embrace the big guys but only if they aren’t mean to me. That’s a pretty sissy approach to brotherly love. I obviously don’t have this whole love thing figured out but as I said, I am working on it.

Peace Out, Caroline
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