The Truth Box: July 2009


Friday, July 31, 2009
My friend wrote about Facebook today on her BLOG. She is "tired of the noise." I completely understand but I love the noise. She accurately described the dipping into different conversations and I love that too. I do not, however, like hearing the results of peoples quizzes and surveys. Its gotten ridiculous. "What kind of tomato are you most like in the morning before you have had your coffee?" I don't care about that.

I do care about hearing when friends have sick kids and they were up all night attending to them. I care when someone posts a prayer request for a soldier hit by an IED. Hearing how someone spends their day helps me get a glimpse into their life. The glimpses often lead to a better understanding of their nature. Sometimes its all fluff being shared but sometimes a hint of a deep hurt or an anxiety seeps thru. When I tell people I use Facebook for work, this is what I am referring to.

The trick lies in remembering such tidbits when I see the friend who stayed up all night or who anticipates a difficult doctor's appointment. There is knowing people's stuff and then there is knowing their stuff and using it to connect in a meaningful way. I love when someone remembers something about my ordinary life and then asks about it. It feels good to have someone care about me. Even if its sometimes a tiny bit feigned. I won't hold that against them.

Sometimes when I change my Facebook status I am calling out for a little help. Hoping for an extra thought or prayer sent my way. I get by with a little help from my friends, loving it when they help me lift my burdens.

Wondering what's going on in your life today?

Back at it

Friday, July 24, 2009
Productivity defined my very nature a couple of days ago. Admittedly I waste a lot of time but the other day, I was soaring thru tasks. Our big family wedding was last weekend and I was a little afraid it would take me a while to get back into the swing of things. But it didn't.

I work in my office every Tuesday. I love my job. I love the people I work with. Summer is a slower time for me but I still have things to do. Mostly my tasks have to do with the preparation for Fall, which is normally the busiest time of the year. But my most productive day fell the day after my normal work day.

On Wednesdays I meet a young gal who is new to the faith. We chat over coffee or lunch at a local restaurant and discuss whatever is happening in her life and mine. I look for ways to make spiritual applications but really, I just focus on knowing her heart and loving her. Its easy to do because she is a wonderful gal.

When I leave her, my heart is usually soaring. If you categorize things you do as tank-fillers or tank-drainers, time with her definitely fills my cup!

So too bad I can't mentor every day instead of vacuuming and dusting.

Peace out,