Banner Day

I need to shout a bit about today. I went to bed last night at 1:00 a.m. Could not fall asleep till after 2:00. Awoke at 3:30 and then again at 6:00 a.m., never really falling back to sleep after that and eventually arising around 7:00 a.m. Sounds like a rough start but really I had the most enjoyable day.
Our whole household has been sick with a 24 hour stomach bug so I decided to do something nice for my daughter and get her caught up on her laundry. This took all morning! I think she uses three towels every time she showers. Earlier, I had found a great gluten-free muffin recipe online so I enjoyed a cup of tea with a baked good that would have fooled most chefs!
Dr.'s appointment went well. She is always such an encourager, even after I confessed consuming gluten products on the day after my stomach purging. Chicken noodle soup, crackers and toast are just the go-to things one wants after being sick. Can't help it. And since I am not a true gluten intolerant, eating those few things did not make me feel any worse, thank goodness.
On to my favorite store, Half Price Books, where I sold $15 worth of unwanted dust collectors. I snagged a knitting book, a cookbook by a favorite author, a gluten/dairy/wheat free cookbook and a copy of my favorite book on the planet... "A Wrinkle In Time." Jackpot, baby!
ATM stop where I noticed I still had some money left in my work account even tho I lost my job 5 months ago. Grocery shopping at a newly remodeled Kroger's. Coffee to go from my favorite coffee shop, CP.
Home to cook scallops, baked potatoes and broccoli. Later in the evening we dropped by a friend's house to do some long overdue catching up.
Oh, and I am in the middle of a knitting project which requires a stitch, new to most of my knitting classmates. I practiced it on different needles and am happy to say I am almost the proud wearer of a new vest! My knitting teacher will be so proud. At least I hope so!
It's midnight now so I don't want to push my luck for any more good things to happen. I know I left out a few but I am happy to report, God is good. He is always good.
Smiling (and its been awhile),
Labels: bookstores, gluten-free, knitting, muffins
what a lovely day. Thanks for the inspiration. -S
And what a beautiful caroline smile you have.....Makes me thing of that Neil Diamond song every time...."Sweet Caroline...." :) Lori S.
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